Beware of shareholder fraud

Shareholders are advised to be wary of any unsolicited advice or offers, whether over the telephone, through the post or by email. If any such unsolicited communication is received, please check the company or person contacting you is properly authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) before engaging.

For more information visit the FCA website or read the FCA 'Beware of share fraud' leaflet.

Investor contacts

For enquiries relating to your shareholding, dividend payments, share certificates, Dividend Reinvestment Plans etc, please contact:

Retail shareholder enquiriesShow

In writing:
Equiniti Group
Aspect House
Spencer Road
West Sussex
BN99 6DA

By telephone:
+44 (0) 371 384 2640
Lines are open 8.30am to 5.30pm (UK time), Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays in England and Wales)

By email:

Via the website:

For other investor enquiries

Investor RelationsShow

Emily RoalfeĀ 
Director of Investor Relations and Treasury